I read through it and it is absolutely amazing, I honestly can't wait to take him through it!
I did take a pencil and make a couple of edits so that as I teach it to him things will be perhaps a bit clearer. Basically I will be much more comfortable changing how they talk about 'satan's home' to 'hell'. I think that by calling it 'satan's home' we give a concept that he dwells there, coming out every now and again to tempt and cause trouble for humans.
However the scripture is clear, and I know this book does teach that Hell was created by God to punish satan and the demons and those who sin against Him, and Revelation 1:18 tells us that it is Jesus who rules over death and hell. I just changed the wording so that Jacob will understand that it is God who will punish those who do not believe in Christ and not satan, who when he is finally cast into hell, will be being punished himself for his rebelion against God.