Monday 4 June 2007

Interview with Gary Bolton

Recently I emailed a few interviewish type questions to my good buddie Gary Bolton who is studying at the Irish Baptist College. In introducing him to anyone who doesn't know him, this is a young man (same age as myself...young!) who is evidently called and gifted for the pastorate and who is being equiped by much study of the Word. I spent many happy, God glorifying, Christ centred days working beside Gary in EHC and owe gratitude to him for friendship, influence and his encouragement to me. We've written songs together, none of which will ever make public eye cause they're wick, discussed alot of things, had so many laughs and when he moves on into ministry I will miss him greatly in work. Hope you get a flavour of this exdraordinary young man and more, a sight of the Christ he loves! Enjoy;

Other than Jesus who has had influence in your life?

God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, Paul the Apostle… only joking! Two people come to mind. Firstly, a lady by the name of Ann Bailey who collected me from my home as a young boy and took me to a local Pentecostal Church to hear the gospel. Secondly, Ian Decourcy who discipled me during my early Christian years.

Would you say that working in Every Home Crusade has been a blessing in your life & if so in what ways?

Very much so, the fellowship over the years has always been a huge blessing. The opportunity to impact the lives of others has also brought satisfaction. EHC have always been flexible with me as I have embarked on different adventures; especially during my time as assistant pastor at Castlereagh Baptist and also as I complete my college course. Most of all, God led me to EHC and to do his will is the greatest blessing of all. Whatever we do in life, unless we are living according to HIS plan and purpose we will always be unfulfilled.

At the minute you are studying theology through Queens university at the Irish Baptist college, you work in your spare time at EHC and you have 3 kids under 4year old, that has to be a challenge; do you find yourself stretched at times?

At times things have been absolutely hectic! During my first year at college our middle child (Grace) was born. This coincided with my Greek studies; while feeding her in the early hours of the morning I often worked on my Greek - I think Grace probably knows the Greek alphabet! In my second year I did the same with Hebrew when our youngest daughter Esther was born. Kathryn has warned me not to even think about another child in my third year. I told her that was fine as I had completed the two biblical language modules! Kathryn has been a faithful mother and a faithful wife during this time.

Back to present day, you’re studying at the Baptist college, in all the academics etc do you find your devotional life suffering?

It is a fight to maintain a strong devotional life at the best of times; during academic studies the difficulty intensifies. While this type of study has many benefits, one drawback is that it can be ‘dry’ in nature. Thankfully God’s grace has been sufficient and he has always drawn me back to that close walk with himself when my passion for God was waning.

Your son Isaac is 3 and learning the catechism, I totally agree with that, but for those who may not grasp the reasons; why teach a 3 year old the catechism?

Catechising is a very effective method of teaching children biblical truths in a systematic way. Day after day, the child is memorizing short pithy statements about God and his revelation to man which will remain with him throughout his life. The catechism is a great way to reinforce scriptural truths. Often Isaac can see the link between the question/answer in the catechism and Bible readings which Kathryn and I read to him. For example, recently we read of God putting Adam and Eve out of the garden after the fall. This coincided with the catechism question: How were Adam and Eve punished? Isaac Answered: They were doomed to sorrow toil and death and driven from the garden.

You grew up in Tullycarnet estate, no time for school apart from PE and not many qualifications under your belt, what happened, because now you are one of the most studious students I know?

When I was born again in October 1997 God gave me a heart for his word and a desire to communicate the truth to others. Since then, the Holy Spirit has burdened me to prepare myself to be thoroughly equipped to carry out that task.

To you, what is the most important aspect of the Christian life?

A strong devotional life as we seek to love the Lord with our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Are there any authors, books or speakers you would recommend to us?

For anyone who believes God is leading them to become a leader in his Church, a great book is Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch. This publication will stir your heart and give you a burning desire to rise to the challenge of leading God’s people in the 21st century. As most of you already know, any material by John Piper helps us to have a correct view of God. In addition to these two, during my degree studies I have found the writings of D.A. Carson and Leon Morris to be very helpful as they seek to defend the conservative evangelical viewpoint from a scholarly perspective. My general advice would be to read widely so that we become balanced in our thinking.

One question that many who know you are asking is ‘what are your plans after the Baptist college?

Although it is a mammoth task, God has convinced me time and time again that pastoral ministry is his will for my life. Therefore, after I finish college I plan to give my life to preaching God’s word and leading his people to worship HIM!

Finally, I know you have no interest in TV or cinema is that because you think its wrong or just because you have no interest and can you name 3 films that are in the cinema at the moment?

When would I ever get the time to watch TV! I have a little interest in TV and have been known to watch the odd footy match or two! Obviously there is much good to be watched but also much rubbish – as Christians we must discern what is acceptable. I was so engrossed in exam preparation recently I couldn’t even name you one film in the cinema never mind three!

Update: Gary Bolton currently serves as Mission Representative for Revival Movement Association.
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

1 comment:

Gemma Roche said...

this is great :) G Boal ur good at the old interviewing malarky! and great to hear from G Bolton.