Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Bible Mission

Today in work we were visited by some of the leaders of Bible Mission who are working in central Russia! What a time, we gathered in the work kitchen and listened as they told of how God is working in amazing ways, planting churches and groups and leading people to Himself!
They shared how a certain man years ago was placed in prison because he wouldn't stop preaching the gospel. And while he was there he wrote, from memory huge portions of the New Testament. While he was imprisoned his fiance waited on him and when he was released they married and had children. But he died as a result of the years imprisoned and working in a mine during that time!
As his children grew one of them got so angry that he didn't have a dad and treated everyone with contempt (apart from the owner of the sweet store).
Night after night his mum prayed for him and he would hear her, but tried not to. Eventually she gave him the book that his father had written and upon reading it that boy saw the Gospel and trusted Jesus. Today he is the leader of Bible Mission! WOW

And we got to see the book, absolutely amazing!
Page after page of scripture written from memory and although it was in Russian and I don't understand a word of it the moment was a deeply moving one.

How amazing it was as 20 plus Revival Movement Association workers lined up to get a close look at that book and talking afterward we all felt the same;
Shame, that we have not committed so much scripture to memory, many of us might manage a couple of pages, but an entire book?

What a day!
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

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