Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Setting Aside Distracting Discussions, What Is Captivating You About Jesus?

Earlier i posted here a question about head coverings. After a comment that i doubt in anyway meant for me to rethink asking the question, let alone deleting it, i did have a rethink about it. I decided that at worst it was a distraction from thinking upon greater things and at best was a distraction from thinking upon greater things.

In no way do i belittle the importance of churches making decisions in regards to issues like this. But sometimes we can get caught up in discussing issues like this and miss out on an opportunity to meditate upon the splendor of Christ and all that He has done. So setting distractions aside, here's a better question:
What has captivated your heart and mind today about the person and work of Jesus Christ?
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


supersimbo said...

Oh dear...........

I could say a whole lot on this subject but it may be unfair of me - my experience of these discussions and of this thought/idea/belief has always been somewhat tinged with legalism.............

if I was in a blunt mood though I would walk away from that conversation as I generally feel it is a silly pointless debate....

but, yea, il shush now!

Boaly said...

Brilliant response, i totally agree that 99% of the time its stupid, unhelpful and a distraction. Bbut sometimes, just sometimes its fun to debate and watch brothers frantically read up on it and listen sermons on it.

Who am i trying to kid - its a nonsense argument and i'm stopping it right now. Cheers for clearing thoughts!