I just finished reading Jeremiah, and reflecting upon the book one major impression was left.
As i read over my notes on the character of God, as revealed in Jeremiah, i saw, repeated again & again the declaration of God's anger, wrath, and judgement over sin.
Jeremiah 50:25 really struck a chord of fear in it's declaration that God has an armoury where He stores weapons of His wrath. They are not described as 'weapons of wrath' but more definitely as 'weapons of His wrath' [Emphasis added].
On any page you open this book it seems to hold a bit of doom & gloom as God speaks warnings and prophecies of coming judgement over the sin and iniquities of Jerusalem, Judah, Israel and pretty much every other country mentioned in the book.
So why read Jeremiah?
It re-enforces how serious God takes sin. It displays His anger, wrath and judgement over sin, but also sprinkles hope, redemption and deliverance at God's hand.