Friday 16 October 2009

Christianity In The Dark Ages

The Dark Ages from around AD 500 - 1000 was a time of huge change, especially Britain. Gone were the Roman protectors & everyone seemed open to raiders & take-over from other kingdoms. I've known a bit about this time period but the BBC's 'How The Celts Saved Britain' has re-fueled my interest.

I know that much of the Church, arguably entirely roman catholic, were clinging to relics, financial & political gains, and also to stories, somewhat akin to 'fairytales'.
But it was also a time of courageous & successful missionary endeavours, as people like Columba & Patrick risked their lives to reach the unreached & barbaric heathen with the Gospel.

Quite arguably Christianity is why Britain left the Dark ages as it brought stability and advancement in many areas of life.

But here's the thing, as a reformed evangelical 'protestant' (for want of a better description) i really don't know how to deal with the blur that Christianity in the Dark Ages seems to be. Was it entirely Roman Catholic? It certainly wasn't Reformed. But can we write these guys off entirely.

Does anyone have any input on this to help?
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online

1 comment:

Anthony said...

I remember reading or watching a documentary from the library about "celtic christianity" and how aghast several catholic monks were in the 700's when they came to britian and the Celtic church did not exactly line up to the Vatican theology. Much of the liturgy was in the common language and the clergy married. It was'nt until some council in 1215 that Rome got a firm control over the church in all the british isles. There was alot of diversity among different tribes and over the varying centuries. Some groups would look only slightly off from catholicism. Other groups though would seem more new testment church in their practices. There are some books on the celtic church. I can't think of them now ,but it would be worth looking into.