Yesterday after work, Barbara, Jacob & i decided to go to Hillsborough Forest park where i came across a tree with vines creeping up it. So like any male i thought they'd be great to climb - see the picture. Unfortunately a while after this picture was taken, and i'd climbed a little higher, there was a large crack from further up the tree & then a 'thud' as i landed flat on my back.
As i laughed about this it occurred that, as it was in my nature to climb these, it is in the human nature to use religion the same way. We are all looking a vine to cling to as we swing about the jungle of life. Using ceremonies or religious movements & even church to climb higher; to ascend to a better existence. And we trust & worship many things with the hope that our lives will get better.
Yet all the money, possessions, sex etc. As well as the many religions in the world, that we have put our trust in will hear something worse than a 'crack'. They'll hear the voice of Jesus saying "Depart from me, I never knew you."
Only one True Vine will support us, and that Vine will even graft us in as branches to bear spiritual fruit as He nourishes & sustains us by His Spirit & Word.
That Vine is Jesus, the Son of The Living God.
He will not fail; His atoning work at the cross was sufficient; He sits as supreme ruler, Lord & God, with full authority over heaven & earth. If you don't know Him already then please open a Bible and meet Him as He reveals Himself there (i'd recommend starting with The Gospel of John).
Perhaps we all need to ask "What Vine am I Holding?"