I was listening Mark Driscoll's message this morning on A Study of man; Genesis 1, 2 & 3 in which he deals with the above text. I scribbled down some notes as I listened this & found him once again to be very convicting & challenging on this:
Adam was with Eve.
He done nothing.
The great sin of Adam & the great sin of the sons of Adam is doing nothing - That is your sin!
...And you say & do nothing.
You declare yourself to be holy because you have no sins of commission. Your sins are sins of omission - You have done nothing!
That is the folly of the sin of Adam - The world is filled with men who do nothing:
You are the glory of God; you are not to act like the sons of the devil. You were made for dominion & rule & authority.
You must not sit idly by & let your enemy do all the talking; let your enemy lead your wife & family.
We see in Genesis 4 that one son murders another; don't think that there won't be implications for generations to come.
Adam is your father & unless Jesus should save you & reconnect you to your Heavenly Father you will be just like him & the world will continue to look like it has since Genesis 3.