This plant has provided peppers for cooking as well as fun (check out Tim eating some), and was a great birthday gift from a friend, which makes me raging and embarrassed that I allowed it to die. (Sorry Shaz)
But as I was contemplating this I thought of how this can be a picture of how we Christian's may often (and I know I do this), put off telling others about Christ and His good news hoping to get a better opportunity at a later stage, which often keeps getting put off... and then too late!
We as part of the Church are safe in Christ when it comes to the judgement and wrath of God over our sin and disobedience and unbelief of Him, but for those who are not repentant lovers of Christ, who do not trust Him; when death or the Lord's return comes they will face His judgement, wrath and eternal punishment.
It is our responsibility, (Matthew 28:18-20), to go into the world and tell this Gospel of Christ to all who've never heard and to make Disciples.
Are we allowing people to perish because of our procrastination?