Today was my 29th year upon planet Earth, 29 years of God pouring grace out upon my soul. At first the cross meant nothing to me and then for a while professing to be a Christian but not really having had any true experience of mind, heart and soul. In those years, as one who did not know, love nor trust Christ, He continually poured grace upon me, blood bought grace giving a sinner called Gary Boal a continuing heart beat, continuing breath, life, movement, friends, fact everything! But then by Word and Spirit He revealed Himself to me, brought people into my life and drew my heart towards Himself, And more grace poured down as I believed in Him and His cross, trusting Him for forgiveness and new life. His blood brought more grace and His Spirit has been placed within me and His word means life and light to me now, revealing Him and His works to me! No hell; Freedom from sin; Life in Christ; An eternal future in Heaven; A mission here on Earth; and many more benifits beside.