Thursday 26 April 2007


Desiring God have a post up about the Supreme Court decision in upholding the ban on partial birth abortions on April 18, 2007. Read it here
Praise God that this ban is in place even though it does not go far enough as to ban the whole bloody, unrighteous murder of infants!
Perhaps its because I had my 2 week old son across the room as I read this that I cried, espicially at the quote from Justice Kennedy’s official Supreme Court decision which was the account of one nurse describing the procedure on a twenty-six-week-old “fetus.
But I pray that Christ would move us to feel the injustice of this whole mess of abortion and lead us in some ways to oppose the murder of infants!

Desiring God also offer Sources to Help You Speak Against Abortion
And i'd encourage you to check out abort73

other pro life organizations;
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Boaly said...

I was praying there against the abortionists when something struck me, I know probably everyone has already discovered this but abortion is not just the murder of an infant but an attack at the creative power of God!
God knits together children, babies in a womans womb, knits these infants with the purpose of glorifying Him but the principalities and powers of this world are using politicians and doctors etc to attack and destroy God's work!
As he did with our first motyher, Eve, he offers equality with God to many in our day saying they have a right to choose between life & death of their unborn. God is mocked in this, His authority as the One who alone has the right for such decisions is trampled, humans are lifted up to a false sence of control and the demonic world are laughing!

Family Blogs said...

Hi Gary,
There's a very interesting article from The Times by Libby Purves here:
It is a challenge for us to pray that more doctors will find their convictions on this dreadful issue. If the link doesn't work, I have a post on my blog about it under 'Terminating Abortion'.