Monday, 7 September 2009

Beyond Band of Brothers - Book Review & Further Thoughts


Anyone who has read the book 'Band of Brothers' by Stephen Ambrose, or has watched the HBO series of the same name, will recognise the name Dick Winters. A man who having won the respect of his men, continues to be respected by those who read about him all these years later.

Over the weekend i read Winters' book 'Beyond Band Of Brothers' . I would utterly recommend it, not only to those who are interested in WW2 & enjoyed Band of Brothers, but also to anyone who wants a good non-fiction book to read & learn from.
It gives further insight into Easy Company, their operations & the leadership of Dick Winters.

One blurb by H.R. McMaster says:

"Winters's leadership inspired his soldiers to fight courageously under the most difficult and challenging conditions of battle. . ."

Some Thoughts


"The key to a successful combat leader is to earn respect, not because of rank, but because you are a man."
Major Dick Winters (page 147)

The issue of leadership is definitely worth our attention because many of the issues can be taken & gleaned from by Church leadership & specifically elders.
I guess one question to ask about our leaders is 'Would we follow them into battle?'
It is an important question because we are in a battle, and one that has greater consequences than any other war ever fought.

I cannot but respect the men of World War Two, it is easy to admire them & feel totally inferior to them. They had a fight to win & we, it seems so often, don't. We have lives of leisure & entertainment, not having any real purpose or goals apart from our joy.

But that is not the full truth, there is a Spiritual war, the Apostle Paul warns of this continually throughout his Epistles. It is a battle against sin & can only be fought with weapons of faith & means of grace given by Jesus to His people. One such means of grace & weapon is the Elder; The Leader; The MAN.

Another section from which we can glean is when Major Winters talks about his prayer life:

"In my prayers before D-day, I had always thanked God for what He had done for the world in general and asked that others would be given a break in the future. I had also thanked Him for a lot of things that I now found to be insignificant. The only thing I asked for now was to be alive tomorrow morning and to survive another day. That was all that mattered - that was the only thing as far as wanting anything for myself. All other things had become extra, nonessential, and I could not be bothered or burdened with nonessentials. Not when battle was the payoff."

Major Dick Winters (page 115)

Certainly very challenging & something to consider carefully as we face the Spiritual war that Jesus has called us into!

Book Details
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Berkley Caliber; Reprint edition (6 May 2008)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0425213757
ISBN-13: 978-0425213759
Product Dimensions: 22.4 x 15 x 2.5 cm
Author Image

About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Tim Millen said...

Absolutely brilliant post brother.
Thank you for it. I found it very insightful and challenging. I love the Winters quote about respect - rank - a man... excellent. So much for me to learn from.

John Fitzsimmons. said...

great post.

I'll have to get a hold of the book!