Jacob & I dance around the room to the catchy & unbelievably brilliant tunes that these guys play throughout each episode.
Rich kindly agreed to do an interview for my blog, for which I am very thankful.
What influences eventually became The Imagination Movers?
Hey Gary. The four of us worked hard together to create the Movers' universe. We're very lucky to have creative chemistry that fuels the brainstorming process. The essence of the idea, to us, is a combination of music, comedy and education that kids and grownups can enjoy together. We're inspired by everything from U2 to the Monkees to Jerry Lewis and The Electric Company.
On the Movers website it says that you wanted to bring strong male role models to children's programming, do you feel that this is needed & why?
It's important for kids to learn from all types of people -- and one thing we noticed is there was lack of live-action shows for pre-schoolers. And shows that featured male characters in particular. We're happy to fill the role of regular guys modeling teamwork and friendship.
How did you feel as you shared your idea with the others (eg were you not afraid they’d just laugh)?
We couldn't have started this project anywhere but New Orleans, where everybody has a creative streak. People here were very encouraging as we ditched our regular jobs and made the transition to full-time entertainers.
When exactly did The Movers begin?
The four of us first talked about the show concept in late 2002.
Musically what influences have been most prominent in your lives?
We're all children of the 80s, so lots of New Wave, alternative, hip-hop and rock. With a special emphasis on "Celtic Rock" bands U2, Big Country and The Proclaimers. You'll hear their influence on songs like "Seven Days a Week."
Plus everything that's been on the radio since the birth of rock n roll.
The Imagination Movers have some very catchy tunes & words, my son (20months) & I (30years) love them as we dance madly around the room. Do you all write them & what is your personal favourites?
We've written all our songs. Our catalog has grown to more than 100 tunes. My favorites change all the time, but right now I really like "The Jungle Room" and "Now We're Cooking."
The big highlight of our concerts is "Mover Music (Jump Up)"
Since the Movers began what has been the road to where you are now?
It's been lots of inspiration and tons of follow-through on the tiniest of details. We've had setbacks in the form of hurricanes and writers' strikes, but we've persevered through it all. The key has been the support from family, friends and fans
I’m sure the movers take up a huge part of your lives, do you all still enjoy it as much as when you began & is being a Mover as much fun as it looks on TV? (Can’t believe you actually get paid to dance around & sing, it looks like a classy & rewarding job)
It's the most fun job we could possibly have. We love every second of it -- even the 15th hour of a 15-hour day!
I’m sure you wouldn’t be doing what you are if you didn’t love kids, if you had one sentence to say to any kids (or parents) what would it be?
Do your best and don't try to be perfect! Just be yourself and spend time with your kids however you can.
What is the future for the Imagination Movers? Are there many more seasons with Playhouse Disney or/& will you be going to other channels?
We're beginning production of a second season now. After that, we plan to play a series of live concerts. Then we just hope to continue growing the band and entertaining families!
Rich, you were part of a Rock group before being a Mover, what convinced you that a band for children was the right move?
Well, basically people liked what we were doing. I've never had such positive feedback for a music project before. It's like a find my niche.
The question that I want to know the answer to is; if there are any plans to do any concerts anywhere else in the World (for example Belfast)?
We would LOVE to perform in the U.K.! Hope so!
Is there anything else you’d like to leave with any readers of this blog post?
The Movers' magic word is "Cha!!" Long live Big Country, U2 and all the other leaders of the original Celtic Rock invasion.