May Christ be pleased to stir up many people to enquire about Himself & that we'd see many people come to Him as a result.
You may remember that we partnered with Independant Baptist Churches earlier this year to do a similar project in South Ireland. This means that in 2009 we've printed tracts that have went, or will go to every home in the entire country, both North & South.
With the arrival of new machines etc in our new building, in chatting with others who're being trained & helped by these guys, we'd like to thank all of them for their help & the training they're giving us. Above is Ivan Lee (his stern look makes me think he's maybe a relative of Bruce), training Robbie (Paul Roberts) on the new printing press.
Please continue to pray for many of us as we are trained & get to grips with our new machines etc...
*You'll find more pictures at the Every Home Crusade Facebook page