Sunday, 30 August 2009

Choosing Thomas

This has to be one of the saddest videos i've watched. It chronicles T. K. and Deidrea Laux, an evangelical couple who decided to give birth to their son, Thomas, despite the fact that he had the DNA abnormality Trisomy 13 and would only live a matter of hours or at best days.

Thomas lived 5 days

You can read Deidrea's diary here.

HT:Justin Taylor
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About Boaly
Gary has been involved in printing the Scriptures for 20 years, enjoys photography and rambling online


Barbara said...

Heart breaking stuff!Brought me to tears. But praise god for people like these! Amazing Story of Courage and Faith.

heartafire said...

Stunningly painful and yet beautiful at the same time. What a gift to share this with so many. The whole thing has such a ring of truth and faith; a heartbreaking experience that truly glorifies God.

May they be blessed with a child who does hold their hand, and drive the 4-wheeler, and hunt and fish and splash in puddles (!). I am putting them on my prayer list and asking God to please please give them a child.

Join me everyone!