Here's a quick run down of what's going on in EHC today.
Finishing department:
Walter McVeigh is running the collator putting children lessons together.
I'm running tracts for Brazil, along with Keith & Wesley who're running them on their folders.
The Muller is running English Gospels of John.
Aaron's folding a leaflet for India.
Lesley is folding The Way of Salvation Booklets in English.
As for the Print department:
The Web-press is printing Gospels of John for Zimbabwe.
The 5 colour is being set up for a new job.
The new super speed press is printing two new Portuguese tracts for Brazil.
& Clive is cutting more Children's Lessons on the guillotine
In other areas:
David Senior is filling 5 kilo parcels with Gospel Literature
David Megerry is bringing paper from the store.
& the office-workers are doing whatever it is they do... Sam running the joint, Tim answering the phone, Isobel type setting, Heather doing the post... (Atleast I think this is what they're doing)