"And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."
Here the Apostle Paul, by the Holy Spirit charges Timothy, and us to be teaching others what we ourselves have been taught.
Picture a reservoir which has the clearest most tastiest water being stored up in it, yet has no outlet. No pipes carry this water to the cities, towns, villages or houses around, it simply gathers in the reservoir and no one ever enjoys it.
Sometimes I think that we can be very much like this when it comes to doctrine and theology etc (at least I know that I have a tendency to be like this); reading, listening and studying; learning, yet rarely telling others of those truths or lessons. Alot of input, yet very little output!
Jesus said in Matthew 10:27
"Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops."
Those things that Jesus teaches us by His Spirit, through His Word; whether by personal study, quiet time reflections, Christian books, speakers or whatever; are not simply meant to stop with us. Rather we are called to pass them on to others, who likewise will pass them on to others.
The 1'Each One Reach One, Each One Teach One' strategy comes to mind in this, where every believer reaches out and disciples one person who then goes and reaches and teaches another person, at which point the first person reaches and teaches someone else.... and so on.
Much like a baton 2 gets passed along in a relay team, so the Truths of Scripture ought to be passed from one generation to the next and from one person to another.
So lets pipe out and share around this 'living water'; this baton of the truths of Jesus Christ and His Word that we have learned. Lets draw alongside others and share the blessings that God has shared with us, leading them on to maturity in Christ & in His service.
1 Each one Reach one, Each one Teach one is very confusing and hard to explain, I googled to see if I could get a good explanation of it but failed to find one. If you know of one please link to it or post it in the comments, if this appeal fails, I'll try to draw a chart or get a good explanation of it.
2 I think there is a principle here that goes further than just passing on doctrine & teaching; but implies that we ought to be training up and mentoring others who are gifted, talented and called in areas further across the board. So as we teach others what we have been taught; a worship leader trains up talented musicians and singers in that area, children's workers train up more children's workers, evangelists train up more evangelists and so on and so on...